Friday, August 05, 2011

"Hands Across Sunnyside" shows neighborhood solidarity

Principal Joe Gutierrez shows neighborhood unity in front of Killip School.

Today a human chain made its way along 6th Avenue in Flagstaff's Sunnyside neighborhood to show neighborhood solidarity. Citizens joined members of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association, Killip Elementary School children and teachers in the event to show the power of community. Passing cars honked and neighbors waved.

"It was heart warming to hear the children say, 'We love our neighborhood'," said Coral Evans, Executive Director at The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association of Flagstaff, Inc. The group whose motto is "Blending Cultures, Enriching Lives" hoped to bring out enough people to link 4th Street with West Street, a distance of about 1/2 mile. "We could have had it, if we'd stretched out a bit," said one participant.

"This is a good start. We have next year," said Deb Hill, community organizer. About 400 people participated in this inaugural event.

Children from Killip Elementary School (Kindergarten though sixth grade) made up most of the human chain. The school has a year-round schedule. Principal Joe Gutierrez held hands with children and smiled as he was tugged along in line.

Deb Hill in foreground with Coral Evans (in background) watching for the gap to be filled.

Jamie Hasapis helps direct the human chain in Flagstaff, AZ.
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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Social Media Marketing Tip: Add more than one email to Facebook

Adding emails accounts to Facebook will help others "Friend" you easier. By registering and associating all the email addresses that you have, or have ever used, FB allows friends, family and biz associates to automatically and instantly send "Friend" requests to you.

The “Friend” request is activated by whichever email that they have in their email address book for you. But the request can only be connected to you in FB if you have also added that old/new email address to your FB account.  FB will then automatically link “Friends” to you via that old or new email address.

Tip: After adding email addresses to your FB account, make sure that you check the radial button of the email address that you want to use as your main FB contact email.

In Facebook go to: Account>Account settings>Email

Like this article? Share it with your friends using the buttons at the bottom of the posting. Stacey Wittig is an award-winning marketing strategist based in Flagstaff, Arizona.

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